Ruining the children's play area is surely not an option

THE children's playground at the Warren Recreation Ground in East Preston measures a maximum of approximately 15m (49ft) by 30m (98ft), with two infant swings, two children's swings, a large climbing frame, small roundabout and two hobby-horses.

There are two benches and a grass area from which younger ones can watch their older brothers and sisters playing.

If the parish council has its way, this playground will be replaced by an area of approximately 7m (23ft) by 28m (92ft), in direct sunlight all day '“ on a hot, summer's day the play frames, etc., could get too hot to touch.

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Bordering the area is a large hedge, which could also cause problems.

On the plans, it is not shown how the play equipment will fit into this much smaller space.

The loss of parking will also affect the surrounding area.

It is shown on the plan to have 11 parking spaces.

Add a larger, disabled parking space near the ramp to the parish office, and it will reduce the spaces to nine.

This parking also encroaches onto the recreation ground to allow for a turning area.

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At present, there are 18 parking spaces and when the cricket or stoolball teams are using the recreation ground, they sometimes double park '“ there have been up to 22 cars parked.

When the parish meeting room is in use, will people be barred from using the car park, as happens at the village hall car park?

All this will add considerably to the congestion to a very narrow part of Sea Road.

In the June parish council newsletter, it was reported the council objected to a day nursery at the southern end of Sea Road on the grounds that "this was considered unneighbourly, noisy and would generate more traffic problems in an already busy area, particularly in summer, when yellow lines operate, resulting in no parking in the vicinity" '” and this is a much wider part of Sea Road!

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There are currently no yellow lines in Sea Road south of Vermont Drive, but due to the increase in parking congestion, this would have to be considered, to allow the emergency services access to southern East Preston.

The last thing we need is a death caused by inconsiderate parking.

There is a shop in East Preston which has been empty for a long time and would make an ideal parish council office, much like Ferring's and Rustington's.

That would leave the present office available for storage.

It would also save us taxpayers a considerable amount of money.

Rob Ellis,

Sea Road,

East Preston

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