LETTER: Huge waste of public money

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Reading C. Morris’ letter ‘We will not be held to ransom’ (WSCT 17th April) I wonder why Horsham District Council is paying all these consultants to carry out these market appraisals as to the legitimacy of the claims made by the Cllr Dawe, Vickers, Croft and Rae quartet that the Liberty plan is the best economic route for Horsham.

Mr Morris points to all kinds of flaws in the latest of these reports by Adam Godfrey, a partner with Stiles Harold Williams, Crawley. It can be accessed at ‘Horsham.gov.uk/environment/planning_policy/documents/Final_Market_Appraisal_Version_2.pdf

The assertions about the railway station and the 15 minute journey time he claims it takes to travel to Gatwick from Horsham, plus spelling mistakes, suggests the report was done in a rush.

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The lack of care with detail, in such an important report as this, makes me feel it is superficial and full of smoke and mirrors.

That document, along with the inadequate reports presented to councillors at the ‘meeting in public’ in February, look like a huge waste of public money.

Horsham District Council has commissioned more than one report on this subject.

Cllr Dawe and his gang are again trying to hustle up sympathetic consultancies for their flawed plan – in a desperate attempt to do a retrofitting job.


Kestrel Close, Horsham