Again, dogs’ mess...

I OFTEN see letters regarding dog mess in the area and so, when I walked my dog on Monday morning (July 16) and found another pile on a grass verge, as well as on the beach at East Preston, an idea occurred to me.

In the interests of balanced reporting and the principle of the right of reply, do you think you could reserve a space for one of these very special people, who clearly believe that it’s always someone else’s problem to clear up after their dog, to write and let us know exactly why it is not their problem or why they are not part of it?

I realise that they are terribly important but I would appreciate it if one of them could take some time out of their exceptionally busy lives to explain to the rest of us, exactly why they haven’t even got five seconds to clear up after their dog – even though they’ve apparently got time to walk it?

I’m sure we’d all like to know exactly what their problem is...

Jan Godfrey

Normandy Lane

East Preston

Editor’s note: we’re ready and waiting for any such comment, Jan. But we are not holding our breath.

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