Horam & Vines Cross

Horam & Vines Cross newsHoram & Vines Cross news
Horam & Vines Cross news
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Update on last weekend's Operation Blitz activity. The team were out last weekend patrolling locations in Wealden where anti-social behaviour has recently been reported. We were called to a group of drunk youths in Vicarage Field, Hailsham, around 7pm on Friday evening. On arrival, there was lots of shouting and swearing, and the area was littered with empty beer bottles. It appeared that an 18 year old male had been assaulted in the church yard, but refused to give us any details and left the area. Our main concern was a group of younger teenagers, 14/15 year olds, who were hanging around with the older group. We are trying to identify these individuals, but would encourage anyone with teenage kids to make sure they know where they are and what they're up to on a Friday and Saturday night. Late Friday evening the team got called to a car crash in Crowborough, which we were committed with for a couple of hours. The team on Saturday didn't receive any calls on the Blitz mobile and spent the evening patrolling hotspot areas. Our only interactions were with a polite group of youngsters in Heathfield, who weren't causing any issues.

Farm Watch Coordinator’s Update. The number of reports of loose animals on the highway this week is down from 24 to 16. This was made up of 15 horses and one cow. Well done to all you sheep owners for having a zero count this week. Please carry on checking your roadside hedges and fences daily, including those where a railway line passes by. Following my warning to caravan owners in last week’s bulletin, several more have been stolen this week or attempted thefts made. The good news is that a caravan recently stolen from the Petworth area has been recovered in a joint operation between Sussex and Surrey Police. Another good piece of work to highlight is the location and recovery of a £60,000 digger that was stolen. The vehicle was fitted with a tracking device so officers were able to work with the owner to locate it after it was taken. Following this, I would like to remind all large vehicle/equipment owners of the worth of fitting a tracker. Not only could it help to recover your vehicle should it be stolen but it also helps to keep insurance premiums down.

WILDLIFE OFFICERS: Please only contact your local Wildlife Officers for any general enquiries or questions, not to report a crime. Report all crimes and incidents to Sussex Police online, email us at [email protected] or call 101. Eastbourne PC Louis Thompson [email protected] Hastings PC Nick Bellhouse [email protected] Wealden PC Richard Waters [email protected]

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HEATHFIELD COMMUNITY GROUP: This very worthwhile group are reporting a number of incidents regarding persons acting as deaf and dumb knocking on doors trying to sell pictures and drawings. It seems these people move around the area at great speed. The main concern is, these people are knocking on doors after dark. This is a great risk to the venerable in the community. Please report any incidents to the police.

WEALDEN PLANNING: This is from Kelvin Williams and has been sent to all planning agents. It covers potential damage to the Ashdown Forest by additional vehicle movements and might be useful to quote as and when we all need to oppose potential developments in our area.

Dear Sir/Madam Re: Development proposals in Wealden District Background I am writing to you as you are on the Council’s list of agents and to update you since issuing my letters in early March and June 2017. You will recall that those letters addressed the effects of the emerging evidence base for the Wealden Local Plan upon determination of current and future applications, including those which had recently been subject to pre application advice. Both letters can be found on our website for ease of reference To recap on the main message within this letter, the Council will continue to assess the impacts of development on the Ashdown Forest Special Area of Conservation (SAC), as set out in our earlier letters, but until the necessary mitigation and / or compensatory measures are in place, developments throughout the District (including those within the existing Core Strategy Local Plan and the emerging Wealden Local Plan that do not have existing planning permissions) can only proceed where they can prove that they will not damage the SAC any further. In practical terms this means demonstrating that the development of a site will provide no more vehicle emissions than currently along the affected roads in the SAC. The Council will not be in a position to approve the publication for consultation the Wealden Local Plan (14 March 2017) until the full evidence base is available including the Transport Model, Habitats Regulations Assessment and Ecological update. In the interim, we are aware we are not in a position to determine some live planning applications within the District which have potential to adversely affect the SAC as a result of Air Quality impacts. The Council is mindful of the requirement in the NPPF to negotiate in a positive and proactive manner with developers. It wishes to work in a cooperative manner with agents, and share our information and understanding of these complex issues as they develop. There is an update on this emerging evidence base also on our website. Current Live Planning Applications I previously wrote to you to about live planning applications potentially affecting the SAC which had not been determined and which had passed their statutory period for determination. If you have such an application awaiting decision, I am seeking your cooperation through written confirmation, either by e-mail or letter, to extend the period of determination for your application until Friday 19 January 2018, unless a different extension of time has already been agreed. Following this time, I would hope to be in a position to offer some significant updates upon the implications of the Habitats Regulations for your current application(s). In the meantime, your case officer will be available to discuss any pertinent issues which might enable the Authority to screen out such air quality impacts, such as offsetting of vehicle trips, travel plans or the identification of sources of air quality credits in the locality of your site. Of course it remains the case there are certain types of new development which can be determined positively against the current background, including reserved matters, and previously developed (brownfield) sites with sufficient vehicle trip credits. Further Information. There is a large amount of information about this constraint on the Council’s website and there will be further updates over the coming days/weeks. In the meantime if you are in any doubt about the impact on your proposed development I would ask you to contact the Council’s duty planning service on 01892 602011, Monday to Friday 9.30am to12.30pm. Yours sincerely Kelvin Williams Kelvin Williams Head of Planning and Environmental Services

CROSS IN HAND: Once again we have had a serious crash at the junction of the High Street, Isenhurst petrol station. It is now very apparent this junction has had far too many incidents over the years, is it is now only time before there is a fatal crash. In the short term, with the new Spar shop at the petrol station, the new housing development at Dad’s Hill the junction and the high street cannot sustain the increase in traffic movements. The High Street congestion will only get worse when the lane at Dads Hill is closed for road works. I use the junction on a very regular basis. The day after the last incident a car pulled out of the High Street junction causing me to swerve to avoid an accident. Urgent action needs to be taken by ESCC Highways to come up with a solution. I would have thought in the short term, a reduction in the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph on the A267 at the junction would be a start. And possibly using red tarmac from the entrance to beyond the exit of the petrol station.

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RUGHBY CLUB: Heathfield and Waldron Rugby club are now running a Junior girls team, Under 12 and Under 15. Training takes place on Sundays 10am to noon and Wednesday evenings between 7pm and 8pm. Should you know anyone who is interested contact Neil Burfield email [email protected]

SUSSEX MARATHON: We watched the 50 or more agile competitors in the fifth Sussex Marathon and Half Marathon whizz through Cross in Hand on their way down Sheepsetting Lane and Ghyll Road on Sunday. This is one of the UK’s toughest marathons involving very steep gradients, particularly when they have to finish running up Ghyll Road, after 26 miles of winding lanes. They went through Rushlake Green, Warbleton and Vines Cross before heading home, none of those villages is exactly flat. The marathons begin at the Community Centre and there were plenty of people around to cheer the runners on. But organisers, we could do with a little more publicity on the subject so we can make sure something appears in the Sussex Express ahead of the date. It would be nice to see the roads lined with well-wishers, the competitors certainly deserved it.

CROSS IN HAND PRIMARY SCHOOL: Ahead of the game as always. Congratulations to four children at Cross in Hand primary school who are the first to be selected as Year 6 Prefects. They have been specifically chosen for demonstrating the following outstanding qualities: An excellent attitude towards their work; exemplary behaviour around the school; consideration towards the whole school community; striving to push themselves forwards in all they do.

AUTUMN FAYRE: Cross in Hand Methodist Church Autumn Fayre tomorrow, Saturday, 11am to 1.30pm. Ploughmans lunches, refreshments coffee/teas and various stalls.

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MAYFIELD AND FIVE ASHES: The Forge Youth Group. The Forge is aimed at 7 to 11 year olds and is full of fun, games and socialising. The session is held in London House, High Street, Mayfield, from 3.30pm until 6pm and ends with a cooked meal, which the children will help prepare. The group will meet on the second Monday of the month (in term time) and our next session is Monday, November 6. Please contact Natalie 07889 780531 if you require more details or would like to book a space.

COMMUNITY CAR SERVICE: This service provides transport to any resident living within the parish to their medical appointments at a reasonable cost. Contact the Transport Administrator, Pauline Templeton, on 01435 874742 from 10am until noon Monday to Friday with requests for transport.

DEFIBRILLATORS: Defibrillators can be vital in saving the life of someone whose heart has stopped by giving them an electric shock. Each defibrillator gives spoken instructions on what to do and will not give a shock if it is not needed. So they are really easy to use. There are three defibrillators located in the parish: At the entrance to Woodhill Surgery; beside the steps to the entrance to Mayfield Primary School; on the outside wall of the Five Ashes Inn. Look out for the signs which indicate a defibrillator; a heart with a lightning bolt in the middle.

PARISH COUNCIL: Polite request. Please note that permission should be sought from the parish council to install any signage or banners on the railings of the Court Meadow car park in Tunbridge Wells Road.

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BUSINESS FORUM: Mayfield Business Forum is made up of business people living in or around the village of Mayfield, in the Wealden district of East Sussex. Most members work locally and meet together to share ideas, discuss problems, give each other feedback and provide mentoring or just to have a friendly chat. With many members working on their own or in small offices, the chance to compare ideas, experience and issues is very useful and provides great support.

Members meet each month on the first Tuesday in the informal surroundings of the Rose and Crown. Every other month there is a set discussion topic which helps us all to learn and to improve our businesses by sharing best and new practice. The meetings in between are informal networking where people can talk about whatever they choose, whether it is business or some unrelated topic. We are also developing the online side of the network so that members can share online and access a growing set of business information. It is amazing the number of different businesses that flourish in Mayfield. As well as the shops, there are many others that operate out of small offices or offices based in homes, and the variety is shown by our members who range from accountants to technology advisors, from environmentalists to toy vendors. Since the group started five years ago there have been many examples of people who have met and then been able to use each others’ services. We are a friendly group so if you are interested, feel free to come along and meet us or talk to us online. We hope you will like us and come back. Whether you work in a large, small or micro business, or even are just thinking of going into business, you will be welcome. Membership is simply a matter of participating and we welcome anyone who is willing to share and takes an interest in other people’s businesses. If you are interested in MBF or want to know more, please contact Roger Stone 07776 144056.

BLACKBOYS: Planning a function Need a Venue. Blackboys Village Hall can satisfy your requirements. Two heated rooms with a seating capacity of 100 and 50 respectively. Secure outdoor play area for toddlers. Very competitive rates for both regular and casual bookings. Contact Ann Newton on 01825 890182 for further details.

FRAMFIELD HALL: Framfield Memorial Hall available for hire. Large hall with a capacity of 150. Very competitive rates for both regular and casual bookings. Contact Mary Short on 01825 890854 for further details.

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FRAMFIELD CHURCH HALL: Framfield Church Hall is available for regular meetings, special occasions, parties and village events. The hall typically seats up to 60 persons. Full kitchen facilities are available. Costs, reductions for regular users and church members. Contact the Church Office for further details and bookings on 01825 891090.

HORAM: Horam Chapel Toddler Group hosts a toddler group on Mondays from 2pm to 3pm. Everyone is welcome and they provide toys and youngsters can enjoy lots of singing time. Their motto is: Where Playing is Learning and Imagination Takes on an Adventure Every Day. Attending the group is free.

JUMBLE SALE: The First Horam Scout Group holds its autumn jumble sale on Saturday, October 21 at 2.30pm. Local jumble will be collected during the morning that day. For details ring Dave Sutton on 01435 812462.

HORAM CENTRE: Every Monday from 10.30am to noon people can enjoy a book swap and coffee shop at The Horam Centre. They say if you don’t know what to do with your old books, take them along and swap for something different to read.

HALLOWEEN: Stonehill Farm fruit and veg shop, Chiddingly Road has plenty of pumpkins for sale. Phone 01825 872553 for availability.