Children love to see Conk clowning around

Conk the Clown held young children enthralled at an Aldwick day nursery in the magic of mirthmaking.

He spent about an hour at the ABC Day Nursery entertaining 24 youngsters aged between two and four-and-a-half with a solo routine.

He showed them how he put on his make-up and brought smiles to their faces by performing tricks with bubbles.

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Principal Jan Turney said: "It was a fantastic time. The children really enjoyed it."

Conk's first visit to the Aldwick Road nursery on Tuesday was followed by a repeat yesterday.

They were among a series of visits to three local schools and six pre-schools and nurseries in the build-up to the Bognor Regis clowns' weekend.

Some 100 clowns are expected to take part. The furthest travelled will be the American Shobi Dobi.

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She has flown from her home in Emeryville in California for her first visit to the town.

She spent Tuesday afternoon at Downview Primary School in Felpham with her British female clown pal, Bubblz.

Shobi Dobi said their performance with bubbles of various sizes and squeaking noises delighted their young audience.

"They could not stop themselves from laughing. We just had fun and the children asked us lots of questions," she said.

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She added: "I am looking forward to having such a good time in Bognor with all my fellow clowns."

She has taken part in British clowns' events in places such as Bolton and Weston-super-Mare as a change from being a hospital clown in her homeland.