The wheel deal

Your lettersYour letters
Your letters
THE report announcing a bid submission for the construction of a cycle path linking Flansham and Littlehampton is an extremely welcome sign that West Sussex County Council is heeding the requests made over more than a decade for the provision of this facility.

The only downside of the announcement is that it depends on funding being provided from an outside source.

While I express appreciation to all elected representatives who have supported the campaign for this vital cycle route, will you please continue to back the bid and, in the event that the bid is not successful, continue to fight for funding from other sources of finance?

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But credit where it is due – the county council is finally responding to the urgent question of safe cycling on the A259, the main coastal route, for residents, tourists and commercial traffic.

The cycle path will greatly enhance the lives of all sections of society.

C. S. Cooper, acting chairman, Arun West U3A

• Want to share your views? Send your letters by email or post them to Letters, Littlehampton Gazette, Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA. Remember to include your full name and address.